Habitat for
Milledgeville/Baldwin County

P.O. Box 605
Milledgeville, GA 13059

To Whom It May Concern:

The bearers of this letter are GC&SU students engaged in a survey of housing within the city limits of Milledgeville. The purpose of this survey is to ascertain the condition of housing in our community so that community leaders and organizations can make informed decisions about future land usage and housing needs. This survey will also provide invaluable information for a variety of local organizations when they apply for grants to improve the housing stock in our community.

The survey teams are conduction a windshield survey of housing in your neighborhood. They are doing this by looking at the external conditions of all houses. In order for them to make an accurate assessment, they will be traveling at slow speeds and will remain in their vehicles throughout this survey. They will not conduct personal interviews with any residents, nor will they enter onto the private property or homes of any homeowner or tenant during the course of this survey.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Habitat for Humanity office at 453-9617 should you have any questions or concerns. We would also appreciate your co-operation with these teams.

We appreciate your interest in improving neighborhoods in our community.


Harold R. Tessendorf
Executive Director